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Looking for a ‘New Year’s Resolution’? Why not review your employment contracts?

January 16, 2023
Employment Law

Have you been thinking for some time now that you really ought to review your template employment contract? If the answer is ‘yes’, then you are not alone. It is one of those jobs that so many businesses mean to get around to, yet so few manage to find the time. It often feels like something that can be put off until another day. However, we have seen a few cases recently where employers have discovered, to their cost, the problems that can arise when contracts of employment don’t say what you want or need them to say.

How can we help?

In an effort to give you a helping hand, we are offering to conduct a simple review of your template employment contract free of charge. We will then feed back to you with:

  • advice on what (if any) changes you should make to your contract; and
  • an indication of the costs associated with undertaking the necessary work to whip it into shape.

With regard to the cost, we normally undertake this sort of work on a ‘fixed fee’ basis. This means that you know precisely what it is going to cost from the outset, avoiding any potential surprises.

Get in touch

If you would like us to undertake a free initial review of your template employment contract, give us a call or send a copy of your contract to and we can take it from there.


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